COVID 19 updates and Blended Learning
COVID-19: Corona virus updates and advice
Feb 2022
January 2022
Please see attached updated Risk Assessment. The updates and changes for January are in pale orange and are point 17a and 30. I have attached the latest guidance for schools in the files below.
COVID Catch Up Funding
Please see the documents below for our COVID Catch Up money. We have prioritised children and staff's wellbeing as children ease back into education. They have had a varied lock down experience and their emotional wellbeing is varied. Academically children's experience has been very different. We are carefully assessing our childrens needs throughout the Summmer Term and will continue to do so in September and as the terms progress. We will then put the small funding to targeted learning to ensure children catch up.
The most common symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19) are recent onset of:
- a new continuous cough
- a high temperature
- a loss of, or change in, your normal sense of taste or smell (anosmia)
For most people, coronavirus (COVID-19) will be a mild illness.
If your child does develop symptoms, you can seek advice from the website at
If you are concerned about your child’s symptoms, or they are worsening you can seek advice from NHS 111 at or by phoning 111.
11am - KS1 only
Monday | Phonics | KS1 Maths | Topic | Storytime |
Tuesday | Phonics | KS1 Maths | Topic | Storytime |
Wednesday | Phonics | KS1 Maths | Topic | Storytime |
Thursday | Phonics | KS1 Maths | Topic | Storytime |
Friday | Phonics | KS1 Maths | Topic | Storytime |
COVID update January 4th 2021
After careful consideration school will be open as usual tomorrow 5th January 2021. Please see updated Risk Assessment 2021. We will be following Government Guidance closely and update you as soon as there are any changes.
COVID Risk Assessment Updates November 2020
We have updated our COVID Risk Assessment in line with government guidance, county guidance and in discussion with our staff as to what is relevant and necessary to keep everyone in our community safe. It has been updated to include visitors to school, for example, PE instructors, SEN inclusion teachers.
Our school has less than 30 children so we are one bubble. We have many siblings in our school so we felt it was not unsafe to open our Out of School Club sessions. Please book in a week in advance to secure places, by Friday at noon. Thank you.
The Risk Assessment is attached as a file below.
Contingency Plan incase of another lockdown
We have devised a contingency plan incase of another lockdown. Please see attached document below.
'Getting back into Learning Policy 2020'
We have written a policy to let you know our priorities and how we are going to achieve a curriculum to meet the needs of our children in our community. Please see attached document below.
Important update for Coronavirus
Monday 22nd June
This may be a useful document just produced by LCC:
Monday 15th June 2020 update
Hello. I hope you are all safe and well.
Lancashire have now stated it is up to schools if we come back for the Years N, R 1 and 6- as long as we keep to ‘bubbles’ under 15. As a couple of weeks have passed since we asked you the last time please can you let Mrs Halstead know again if you require a place. Please let us know by Wednesday 17th June at 12 noon. (to: [email protected])
If there are more than 15 accepting a place in either class I will then have to decide how to move forward.
We will be open for years: nursery, reception, Year 1 AND Key worker and vulnerable children from Tuesday 23rd June 2020.
We will be open for : Year 6 from Thursday 25th June (and the other children mentioned above).
We will still be closing each Monday for cleaning until further notice.
Please refer to the bullet point version of the Risk Assessment that I sent out last week for details. You can find it on our website.
We will need a signed slip before your children return to school. If you do not have a printer I will have some on the gate on Tuesday 23rd June and June 25th- please bring your own pen if you do not want to use mine or have your signed slip ready at the gate.
It will be good to see all the children above and we look forward to the day when we can all be together again.
Kindest regards,
Mrs Tjaveondja
Friday 12th June 2020,
Dear All,
I have sent an email, to those parents who have provided us with their email address, with a quick update. It refers to the files below:
an updated version of our 'COVID Return to school Risk Assessment June 2020' and the 'Bullet point version of Risk Assessment June 2020'. Please see our Newsletter section for the accompanying letter which includes a permission slip and ideas for healthy, package free packed lunches.
Kind regards,
Mrs Tjaveondja
Monday 8th June 2020,
Dear All,
We have just received LCC guidance to not open school for more pupils on June 15th 2020. We will let you know what further guidance we receive next Monday to see if we are able to open up on June 22nd 2020. I have attached the letter from Edwina Grant OBE below. Please ring school if you need anything. Staff will be posting fresh work for you on your child's class webpage.
Kind regards,
Mrs Tjaveondja
Online safety update: At this time, where our children are being encouraged to work online it is essential we prevent our children from being groomed or radicalised through social media or other websites. Please see the attached file: 'Parents and Carers Responsibility to help our children stay safe from radicalisation'
School are following government advice and will continue to share with you any updates. Please read the information on the following link:
Please see documents for advice if you are self-isolating.
School work for your children to be carrying out at home has been added to your child's class page. A separate workbook will be sent home for all your child's work to go in. Thank you for your help. If your child does not have internet access please ask for a hard copy from staff.
Please see class pages, wider curriculum home learning pages and PE for activities and learning to complete at home.
Keeping your child safe online
During this difficult time and with children now learning at home it is important that all parents are vigilant when their children go online.
Please check out these websites for advice:-
You can keep your children safe when they access the internet by turning on your parental controls on all devices. To see how to do this please see the document at the bottom of the page.